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* [ptxdist] [PATCH] plugins: remove old code
@ 2021-06-09 20:05 Roland Hieber
  0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: Roland Hieber @ 2021-06-09 20:05 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: ptxdist; +Cc: Roland Hieber

[-- Warning: decoded text below may be mangled, UTF-8 assumed --]
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain; charset=utf8, Size: 40163 bytes --]

Both url_check and url_check_ng have been touched last in 2008 and 2009,
they are referenced nowhere in the repository, and have also been
superseded by the 'ptxdist urlcheck' command since commit
5d39eb69ac6e116fbe0f (2016-08-20, "ptxdist: add urlcheck command").

Signed-off-by: Roland Hieber <>
 plugins/url_check/README                    |  12 -
 plugins/url_check/main                      | 314 -----------------
 plugins/url_check/ptxlib.bash               | 351 --------------------
 plugins/url_check_ng/README                 |  27 --
 plugins/url_check_ng/main                   | 283 ----------------
 plugins/url_check_ng/ptxlib.bash            | 351 --------------------
 plugins/url_check_ng/   |  44 ---
 plugins/url_check_ng/ |   1 -
 8 files changed, 1383 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 plugins/url_check/README
 delete mode 100755 plugins/url_check/main
 delete mode 100644 plugins/url_check/ptxlib.bash
 delete mode 100644 plugins/url_check_ng/README
 delete mode 100755 plugins/url_check_ng/main
 delete mode 100644 plugins/url_check_ng/ptxlib.bash
 delete mode 100644 plugins/url_check_ng/
 delete mode 100644 plugins/url_check_ng/

diff --git a/plugins/url_check/README b/plugins/url_check/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 482cbe1e1284..000000000000
--- a/plugins/url_check/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# this is a quick hack, but quite useful
-Usage: main OPTIONS
-    --help, -h                  this help
-    --check-all, -a             check ALL packages
-plugins/url_check/main checks the availability of all needed source packages
-for the current project configuration. By default, packages
-will only be checked, if the corresponding switch in
-ptxdistrc is set to "y" (enabled in 'ptxdist menuconfig')
diff --git a/plugins/url_check/main b/plugins/url_check/main
deleted file mode 100755
index 5789d4059bd7..000000000000
--- a/plugins/url_check/main
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Script: 	PTXdist URL Checker
-# Rev: 		1
-# Description:
-# Written by:	Bjørn Bürger <>
-# Changed:      2006-09-21 bbu
-# Docs:		inline
-# Manpage:	none
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-PREFIX="`basename $0` "
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Short Documentation / Comments
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# TODO: 
-# build URL_CHECKER as host-tool in ptxdist. 
-# Problem -> uses python => big and fat
-# OR find a lightweight alternative. 
-# Please note, that wget has problems w/ ftp links.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# generic script settings
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# The script domains - chose one or more of:
-# - dumb_tool
-# - tool
-# - development
-# - system_management
-# PTX_SCRIPT_DOMAINS="dumb_tool"
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Default Configuration Options
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# URL_CHECKER="wget --spider"
-logdir="`dirname $0`/log"
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Load ptx shell library and generic ptx configuration
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-PTXLIB=`dirname $0`/ptxlib.bash
-if [ -e "$PTXLIB" ] ; then
-	echo "ERROR: ptxlib not found"
-	exit 1
-# ==========================================================
-# Temporary files
-# ==========================================================
-TMPDIR="`$MKTEMP -d /tmp/url_check_plugin.XXXXXXXXXX`" || echo "could not create TMPDIR"
-ptx_debug "TMPDIR is $TMPDIR"
-# ==========================================================
-# Traps
-# ==========================================================
-[ -e "$TMPDIR/" ] || echo "echo" > $TMPDIR/
-if [ "$DEBUG" = "true" ]; then
-	ptx_debug "trap function: deleting temporary files..."
-	trap '[ -e "$TMPDIR/" ] && sh $TMPDIR/ ; rm -rvf /tmp/$(basename $TMPDIR)' EXIT
-	trap '[ -e "$TMPDIR/" ] && sh $TMPDIR/ ; rm -rf /tmp/$(basename $TMPDIR)' EXIT
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Default Dependency check
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-dependency_check_tools_depends="$LINKCHECKER_BIN $MKTEMP"
-# ==========================================================
-# Option Parser
-# ==========================================================
-Usage() {
-cat <<-EOF
-Usage: `basename "$0"` OPTIONS
-    --help          -h          this help
-    --check-all     -a		check ALL packages
-    --modules       -m		check module packages
-    --builtin       -y		check builtin packages
-$0 checks the availability of all needed source packages 
-for the current project configuration. By default, packages 
-will only be checked, if the corresponding switch in 
-ptxdistrc is set to "y" (enabled in 'ptxdist menuconfig')
-# Parser
-# ------
-# option	no argument
-# option:	required argument
-# option::	optional argument
-TEMP=`getopt --options h,a,y,m					\
-	--longoptions="help,check-all,modules,builtin"		\
-        -n "$0" -- "$@"`
-if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
-eval set -- "$TEMP"
-while true ; do
-        case "$1" in
-                -h|--help)
-			[ -z "$action" ]
-			action="help" ;
-			shift
-			;;
-                -a|--check-all)
-			[ -z "$action" ]
-			action="check_all" ;
-			shift
-			;;
-		-m|--modules)
-			[ -z "$action" ]
-                        action="check_modules" ;
-                        shift
-                        ;;
-		-y|--builtin)
-			[ -z "$action" ]
-                        action="check_builtin" ;
-                        shift
-                        ;;
-                --) shift ; break ;;
-                *) echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;;
-        esac
-# ==========================================================
-# Script Variables
-# ==========================================================
-# none
-# ==========================================================
-# Script Functions
-# ==========================================================
-	# choose the right ptxdist version:
-	echo "PATH is $PATH"
-	PTXDIST=$(dirname $0)/../../bin/ptxdist
-	if [ "$($PTXDIST --version)" != "$PTXDIST_VERSION" ]; then
-		which $PTXDIST || PTXDIST=ptxdist
-	fi
-	ptx_debug "PTXDIST is: $PTXDIST ($PTXDIST_BIN)"
-	if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then
-		# get all package labels 
-		# (PACKAGES-y contains all activated packages)
-		# (PACKAGES- contains all deactivated packages)
-	elif [ "$1" = "active" ]; then
-		# get only configured builtin package labels 
-		# (PACKAGES-y contains all active builtin packages)
-	elif [ "$1" = "modules" ]; then
-		# get only configured MODULE package labels 
-		# (PACKAGES-m contains all module packages)
-        else
-                # get all configured builtin and module package labels 
-                # (PACKAGES-y contains all activated packages)
-                YESPACKAGES=`$PTXDIST print PACKAGES-y`
-                MODPACKAGES=`$PTXDIST print PACKAGES-m`
-                NOPACKAGES=""
-	fi
-	echo "creating list of download URLS for `echo $PACKAGES | wc -w` packages"
-	targets=`for target in $PACKAGES; do echo print-${target}_URL; done | sort -u`
-	$PTXDIST make -i ${targets} 2>> $TMPDIR/errors > $TMPDIR/urllist
-	if [ `cat "$TMPDIR/urllist" | wc -l` = "0" ]; then
-		echo "Fast listing failed. This may take a while!"
-		for target in $PACKAGES; do
-			$PTXDIST print ${target}_URL 2>> $TMPDIR/errors >> $TMPDIR/urllist
-			echo -n "."
-		done
-	fi
-	echo "done"
-	egrep -v "^#|^$|^[[:space:]]" $TMPDIR/urllist \
-	| while read line; do
-		local count_ok=0
-		local count_fail=0
-		rm -f $TMPDIR/errormsg
-		for url in $line; do
-			$URL_CHECKER $url >>$TMPDIR/errormsg 2>&1
-			case $? in
-				0)
-				count_ok=$[count_ok+1]
-				;;
-				*)
-				count_fail=$[count_fail+1]
-				;;
-			esac
-		done
-		if [ $count_fail -eq 0 ]; then
-			echo " [  OK  ] $line"
-		elif [ $count_ok  -eq 0 ]; then
-			echo " [ FAIL ] $line"
-			echo ""
-			echo ""
-			$CAT $TMPDIR/errormsg | $GREP -A 10 "Start checking at"
-			echo ""
-		else
-			local count=$[count_ok+$count_fail]
-			echo " [ $count_ok/$count  ] $line"
-		fi
-	done
-	$MKDIR -p $logdir
-	case $? in
-		0)
-		test_urls | tee $logfile
-		echo "LOGFILE is --> $logfile"
-		;;
-		*)
-		test_urls
-		;;
-	esac
-# ==========================================================
-# Script Main
-# ==========================================================
-case "$action" in
-       help)
-	Usage
-       ;;
-       check_all)
-       	init all
-	create_url_list >&2
-	runner
-       ;;
-       check_modules)
-       	init modules
-	create_url_list >&2
-	runner
-       ;;
-       check_builtin)
-       	init active
-	create_url_list >&2
-	runner
-       ;;
-       *)
-       	init
-	create_url_list >&2
-	runner
-       ;;
-# ==========================================================
-# Cleanup
-# ==========================================================
-# unconfigured - done by trap function
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# End
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/plugins/url_check/ptxlib.bash b/plugins/url_check/ptxlib.bash
deleted file mode 100644
index 50249916d2b7..000000000000
--- a/plugins/url_check/ptxlib.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------
-# Description:	Basic Script Functions
-# Author: 	Bjørn Bürger <> 
-# Date:		Wed Mar 21 17:03:39 CET 2007
-# -----------------------------------------------------
-if [ "$PTX_LIB_VERSION" -lt "$MY_VERSION" ] ; then
-	echo "WARNING: ptxlib.bash not compatible"
-	echo "WARNING: please audit your script"
-	exit 1
-# customized exit functions
-# $1 --> Error Message
-# $2 --> Exit Code
-	echo "$0: $1"
-	exit $2
-	ptx_debug "$0: $1"
-	exit $2
-# print out error message and exit with status 1
-# $1: error message
-# ${PREFIX}: to be printed before message
-ptx_bailout () {
-	echo "${PREFIX}error: $1" >&2
-	exit 1
-# print out warning message
-# $1: warning message
-# ${PREFIX}: to be printed before message
-ptx_warning() {
-	echo "${PREFIX}warning: $1" >&2
-# print out classic message
-# $1: warning message
-# ${PREFIX}: to be printed before message
-ptx_message() {
-	echo "${PREFIX}: $1" >&1
-ptx_message_n() {
-	if [ -n "$PREFIX" ]; then
-	echo -n "${PREFIX}: $1" >&1
-	else
-	echo -n "$1" >&1
-	fi
-# Debugging Output
-	[ "$DEBUG" = "true" ] && echo "$0: $1" >&2
-ptx_debug "Debugging is enabled - Turn off with DEBUG=false"
-# check if a previously executed pipe returned an error
-ptx_check_pipe_status() {
-	for i in  "${PIPESTATUS[@]}"; do [ $i -gt 0 ] && {
-		echo
-		echo "error: a command in the pipe returned $i, bailing out"
-		echo
-		exit $i
-	}
-	done
-# present a choice [y/n] and execute command
-# $1: question / message
-# $2: command
-# $3: yes message
-# $4: no message
-# ${PREFIX}: to be printed before message
-	ptx_debug "Message: $1"
-	ptx_debug "Command: $2"
-	dialog --yesno "$1" 0 0
-	case $? in
-		0)
-		ptx_message "${PREFIX} [YES] - $3"
-		$2 || ptx_error "command $2 failed"
-		;;
-		*)
-		ptx_warning "${PREFIX} [NO]  - $4"
-		;;
-	esac
-# create a directory 
-	[ -d "$1" ] || ptx_yesno_choice "$1 does not exist, create it?" "mkdir -pv $1" "[SUCCESS]" "[ABORTED]"
-# dependency check for needed files
-# if any one of these variables is
-# set, a dependency check is performed:
-# dependency_check_files_recommends
-# dependency_check_files_depends
-# dependency_check_files_conflicts
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_files_recommends" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no file recommendation defined"
-	for file in $dependency_check_files_recommends; do
-		test -e $file
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[file check] This Script recommends $file: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_warning "[file check] This Script recommends $file: FILE NOT FOUND"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_files_depends" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no file dependency defined"
-	for file in $dependency_check_files_depends; do
-		test -e $file
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[file check] This Script depends on $file: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_bailout "[file check] This Script depends on $file: FILE NOT FOUND"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_files_conflicts" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no file conflict defined"
-	for file in $dependency_check_files_conflicts; do
-		test -e $file
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_bailout "[file check] This Script conflicts with $file: FILE EXISTS"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_debug "[file check] This Script conflicts with $file: OK (does not exist)"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-# dependency check for needed directories
-# if any one of these variables is
-# set, a dependency check is performed:
-# dependency_check_dirs_recommends
-# dependency_check_dirs_depends
-# dependency_check_dirs_conflicts
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_dirs_recommends" ] && ptx_debug "[dir check] no directory recommendation defined"
-	for directory in $dependency_check_dirs_recommends; do
-		test -d $directory
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[dir check] This Script recommends $directory: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_warning "[dir check] This Script recommends $directory: directory NOT FOUND"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_dirs_depends" ] && ptx_debug "[dir check] no directory dependency defined"
-	for directory in $dependency_check_dirs_depends; do
-		test -d $directory
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[dir check] This Script depends on $directory: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_bailout "[dir check] This Script depends on $directory: directory NOT FOUND"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_dirs_conflicts" ] && ptx_debug "[dir check] no directory conflict defined"
-	for directory in $dependency_check_dirs_conflicts; do
-		test -d $directory
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_bailout "[dir check] This Script conflicts with $directory: directory EXISTS"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_debug "[dir check] This Script conflicts with $directory: OK (does not exist)"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-# dependency check for needed tools
-# if any one of these variables is
-# set, a dependency check is performed:
-# dependency_check_tools_recommends
-# dependency_check_tools_depends
-# dependency_check_tools_conflicts
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_files_recommends" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no tool recommendation defined"
-	for tool in $dependency_check_tools_recommends; do
-		which $tool >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[tool check] This Script recommends $tool: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_warning "[tool check] This Script recommends $tool: MISSING"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_tools_depends" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no tool dependency defined"
-	for tool in $dependency_check_tools_depends; do
-		which $tool >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[tool check] This Script depends on $tool: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_bailout "[tool check] This Script depends on $tool: MISSING"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_tools_conflicts" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no file conflict defined"
-	for tool in $dependency_check_tools_conflicts; do
-		which $tool >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_bailout "[tool check] This Script conflicts with on $tool: CONFLICT FOUND"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_debug "[tool check] This Script conflicts with $tool: OK"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_hostname_recommends" ] && ptx_debug "[hostname check] no hostname recommendation defined"
-	for hostname in $dependency_check_hostname_recommends; do
-		[ "`hostname`" = "$hostname" ] >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[hostname check] This Script recommends host $hostname: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_warning "[hostname check] This Script recommends host $hostname: THIS IS NOT ME"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_hostname_depends" ] && ptx_debug "[hostname check] no hostname dependency defined"
-	for hostname in $dependency_check_hostname_depends; do
-		[ "`hostname`" = "$hostname" ] >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[hostname check] This Script depends on host $hostname: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_bailout "[hostname check] This Script depends on host $hostname: THIS IS NOT ME"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_hostname_conflicts" ] && ptx_debug "[hostname check] no hostname conflict defined"
-	for hostname in $dependency_check_hostname_conflicts; do
-		[ "`hostname`" = "$hostname" ] >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_bailout "[hostname check] This Script conflicts with host $hostname: CONFLICT FOUND"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_debug "[hostname check] This Script conflicts with host $hostname: OK"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-# convenience wrapper for the functions above
-# performs all available checks
-	ptx_dependency_check_hostname
-	ptx_dependency_check_dirs
-	ptx_dependency_check_files
-	ptx_dependency_check_tools
-# service specific lib functions, based on script domains:
-# - dumb_tool
-# - tool
-# - development
-# - system_management
-if [ -n "$PTX_SCRIPT_DOMAINS" ]; then
-for ptx_script_domain in $PTX_SCRIPT_DOMAINS; do
-	ptx_debug "loading config for domain: ${ptx_script_domain}"
-	SCONFS="$HOME/.ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf \
-	/usr/local/etc/ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf \
-	/etc/ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf \
-	`dirname $0`/ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf \
-	`dirname $0`/../lib/ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf"
-	for scriptconf in $SCONFS; do
-		if [ -e "$scriptconf" ] ; then 
-			. $scriptconf && { ptx_debug "$scriptconf loaded"; break; }
-		fi
-	done
-	[ "$PTXSD" = "true" ] || ptx_warning " No valid Configuration for Domain: ${ptx_script_domain} found \
-	[ $conf (version $MY_VERSION) ] [ caller: $0 ]"
diff --git a/plugins/url_check_ng/README b/plugins/url_check_ng/README
deleted file mode 100644
index f29656fd802c..000000000000
--- a/plugins/url_check_ng/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# new urlcheck version, which uses m2b environment
-# for faster processing. This will speed up processing
-# ( ~about 30 seconds to 5 minutes ).
-Usage: main OPTIONS
-    --help, -h                  this help
-    --check-all, -a             check ALL packages
-plugins/url_check_ng/main checks the availability of all
-needed source packages for the current project configuration.
-By default, packages will only be checked, if the
-corresponding switch in ptxdistrc is set to "y" (enabled
-in 'ptxdist menuconfig')
-<full_path>/plugins/url_check_ng/main [--help | --check-all ]
-user@host:YourPTXdistProject$ ptxdist make plugin-url_check_ng
-PTXdist will will try to find the plugin in
-b) $PTXDIST_TOPDIR/plugins
diff --git a/plugins/url_check_ng/main b/plugins/url_check_ng/main
deleted file mode 100755
index d896e0a866e4..000000000000
--- a/plugins/url_check_ng/main
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Script: 	PTXdist URL Checker
-# Rev: 		1.1
-# Description:
-# Written by:	Bjørn Bürger <>
-# Changed:      2006-09-21 bbu
-# Docs:		inline
-# Manpage:	none
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-PREFIX="`basename $0` "
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Short Documentation / Comments
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# TODO:
-# build URL_CHECKER as host-tool in ptxdist.
-# Problem -> uses python => big and fat
-# OR find a lightweight alternative.
-# Please note, that wget has problems w/ ftp links.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# generic script settings
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# The script domains - chose one or more of:
-# - dumb_tool
-# - tool
-# - development
-# - system_management
-# PTX_SCRIPT_DOMAINS="dumb_tool"
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Default Configuration Options
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# If you are using the python based linkchecker, this
-# option may speed up things *a little bit* ;-)
-if [ "$LINKCHECKER_BIN" == "linkchecker" ]; then
-# URL_CHECKER="wget --spider"
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Load ptx shell library and generic ptx configuration
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-PTXLIB=`dirname $0`/ptxlib.bash
-if [ -e "$PTXLIB" ] ; then
-	echo "ERROR: ptxlib not found"
-	exit 1
-	grep $1 $M2B_ENV | while read a b ; do echo $b ; done;
-logdir="`get_ptxdist_var PTXDIST_WORKSPACE`/log"
-# ==========================================================
-# Temporary files
-# ==========================================================
-TMPDIR="`$MKTEMP -d /tmp/url_check_plugin.XXXXXXXXXX`" || echo "could not create TMPDIR"
-ptx_debug "TMPDIR is $TMPDIR"
-# ==========================================================
-# Traps
-# ==========================================================
-[ -e "$TMPDIR/" ] || echo "echo" > $TMPDIR/
-if [ "$DEBUG" = "true" ]; then
-	ptx_debug "trap function: deleting temporary files..."
-	trap '[ -e "$TMPDIR/" ] && sh $TMPDIR/ ; rm -rvf /tmp/$(basename $TMPDIR)' EXIT
-	trap '[ -e "$TMPDIR/" ] && sh $TMPDIR/ ; rm -rf /tmp/$(basename $TMPDIR)' EXIT
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Default Dependency check
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-dependency_check_tools_depends="$LINKCHECKER_BIN $MKTEMP"
-# ==========================================================
-# Option Parser
-# ==========================================================
-Usage() {
-cat <<-EOF
-Usage: `basename "$0"` OPTIONS
-    --help, -h                  this help
-    --check-all, -a		check ALL packages
-$0 checks the availability of all needed source packages
-for the current project configuration. By default, packages
-will only be checked, if the corresponding switch in
-ptxdistrc is set to "y" (enabled in 'ptxdist menuconfig')
-# Parser
-# ------
-# option	no argument
-# option:	required argument
-# option::	optional argument
-TEMP=`getopt --options h,a			\
-	--longoptions="help,check-all"		\
-        -n "$0" -- "$@"`
-if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
-eval set -- "$TEMP"
-while true ; do
-        case "$1" in
-                -h|--help)
-			[ -z "$action" ]
-			action="help" ;
-			shift
-			;;
-                -a|--check-all)
-			[ -z "$action" ]
-			action="check_all" ;
-			shift
-			;;
-                --) shift ; break ;;
-                *) echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;;
-        esac
-# ==========================================================
-# Script Variables
-# ==========================================================
-# none
-# ==========================================================
-# Script Functions
-# ==========================================================
-	# choose the right ptxdist version:
-	PTXDIST_BIN="`$WHICH $PTXDIST || $WHICH ptxdist || ptx_bailout 'NO PTXDIST FOUND'`"
-	ptx_debug "PTXDIST is: $PTXDIST ($PTXDIST_BIN)"
-	# init package label list if it does not exist
-	[ -e "${M2B_ENV}" ] || $PTXDIST_BIN make dump || ptx_bailout "could not dump environment"
-	while read line content; do
-		case $line in
-                "PACKAGES-y"*)
-			# we don´t want to see kernel- and u-boot urls, so we just skip these packages
-                        YESPACKAGES=`echo "$content" | sed -e s/kernel\ //g -e s/u-boot\ //g | tr "a-z-" "A-Z_"`
-			;;
-                "PACKAGES-"*)
-                	NOPACKAGES=`echo "$content" | sed -e s/kernel\ //g -e s/u-boot\ //g | tr "a-z-" "A-Z_"`
-			;;
-                esac
-        done < ${M2B_ENV}
-	if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then
-	else
-	fi
-	echo "creating list of download URLS for `echo $PACKAGES | wc -w` packages"
-	for target in $PACKAGES; do
-		grep "^${target}_URL\ " ${M2B_ENV} | while read name location; do
-			if [ -n "$location" ]; then
-			echo "$location" >> $TMPDIR/urllist
-			echo "<a href=\"$location\">PTXdist Target ${target}</a><br>" >> $TMPDIR/urllist.html
-			fi
-		done
-		echo -n "."
-	done
-	echo "done"
-	if [ "$LINKCHECKER_FASTMODE" = "true" ] ; then
-		$URL_CHECKER -t${LINKCHECKER_THREADS:=10} $TMPDIR/urllist.html > $TMPDIR/errormsg
-		egrep -v "^URL|^Parent\ URL|^Check\ Time" $TMPDIR/errormsg | sed -n '/Start/,$p'
-	else
-		egrep -v "^#|^$|^[[:space:]]" $TMPDIR/urllist \
-		| while read line; do
-			$URL_CHECKER $line >$TMPDIR/errormsg 2>&1
-			case $? in
-				0)
-				echo " [  OK  ] $line"
-				;;
-				*)
-				echo ""
-				echo " [ FAIL ] $line"
-				echo ""
-				$CAT $TMPDIR/errormsg | $GREP -A 10 "Start checking at"
-				echo ""
-				;;
-			esac
-		done
-	fi
-	$MKDIR -p $logdir
-	case $? in
-		0)
-		test_urls | tee $logfile
-		echo "LOGFILE is --> $logfile"
-		;;
-		*)
-		test_urls
-		;;
-	esac
-# ==========================================================
-# Script Main
-# ==========================================================
-case "$action" in
-       help)
-	Usage
-       ;;
-       check_all)
-       	init all
-	create_url_list >&2
-	runner
-       ;;
-       *)
-       	init
-	create_url_list >&2
-	runner
-       ;;
-# ==========================================================
-# Cleanup
-# ==========================================================
-# unconfigured - done by trap function
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# End
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/plugins/url_check_ng/ptxlib.bash b/plugins/url_check_ng/ptxlib.bash
deleted file mode 100644
index 50249916d2b7..000000000000
--- a/plugins/url_check_ng/ptxlib.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------
-# Description:	Basic Script Functions
-# Author: 	Bjørn Bürger <> 
-# Date:		Wed Mar 21 17:03:39 CET 2007
-# -----------------------------------------------------
-if [ "$PTX_LIB_VERSION" -lt "$MY_VERSION" ] ; then
-	echo "WARNING: ptxlib.bash not compatible"
-	echo "WARNING: please audit your script"
-	exit 1
-# customized exit functions
-# $1 --> Error Message
-# $2 --> Exit Code
-	echo "$0: $1"
-	exit $2
-	ptx_debug "$0: $1"
-	exit $2
-# print out error message and exit with status 1
-# $1: error message
-# ${PREFIX}: to be printed before message
-ptx_bailout () {
-	echo "${PREFIX}error: $1" >&2
-	exit 1
-# print out warning message
-# $1: warning message
-# ${PREFIX}: to be printed before message
-ptx_warning() {
-	echo "${PREFIX}warning: $1" >&2
-# print out classic message
-# $1: warning message
-# ${PREFIX}: to be printed before message
-ptx_message() {
-	echo "${PREFIX}: $1" >&1
-ptx_message_n() {
-	if [ -n "$PREFIX" ]; then
-	echo -n "${PREFIX}: $1" >&1
-	else
-	echo -n "$1" >&1
-	fi
-# Debugging Output
-	[ "$DEBUG" = "true" ] && echo "$0: $1" >&2
-ptx_debug "Debugging is enabled - Turn off with DEBUG=false"
-# check if a previously executed pipe returned an error
-ptx_check_pipe_status() {
-	for i in  "${PIPESTATUS[@]}"; do [ $i -gt 0 ] && {
-		echo
-		echo "error: a command in the pipe returned $i, bailing out"
-		echo
-		exit $i
-	}
-	done
-# present a choice [y/n] and execute command
-# $1: question / message
-# $2: command
-# $3: yes message
-# $4: no message
-# ${PREFIX}: to be printed before message
-	ptx_debug "Message: $1"
-	ptx_debug "Command: $2"
-	dialog --yesno "$1" 0 0
-	case $? in
-		0)
-		ptx_message "${PREFIX} [YES] - $3"
-		$2 || ptx_error "command $2 failed"
-		;;
-		*)
-		ptx_warning "${PREFIX} [NO]  - $4"
-		;;
-	esac
-# create a directory 
-	[ -d "$1" ] || ptx_yesno_choice "$1 does not exist, create it?" "mkdir -pv $1" "[SUCCESS]" "[ABORTED]"
-# dependency check for needed files
-# if any one of these variables is
-# set, a dependency check is performed:
-# dependency_check_files_recommends
-# dependency_check_files_depends
-# dependency_check_files_conflicts
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_files_recommends" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no file recommendation defined"
-	for file in $dependency_check_files_recommends; do
-		test -e $file
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[file check] This Script recommends $file: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_warning "[file check] This Script recommends $file: FILE NOT FOUND"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_files_depends" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no file dependency defined"
-	for file in $dependency_check_files_depends; do
-		test -e $file
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[file check] This Script depends on $file: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_bailout "[file check] This Script depends on $file: FILE NOT FOUND"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_files_conflicts" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no file conflict defined"
-	for file in $dependency_check_files_conflicts; do
-		test -e $file
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_bailout "[file check] This Script conflicts with $file: FILE EXISTS"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_debug "[file check] This Script conflicts with $file: OK (does not exist)"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-# dependency check for needed directories
-# if any one of these variables is
-# set, a dependency check is performed:
-# dependency_check_dirs_recommends
-# dependency_check_dirs_depends
-# dependency_check_dirs_conflicts
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_dirs_recommends" ] && ptx_debug "[dir check] no directory recommendation defined"
-	for directory in $dependency_check_dirs_recommends; do
-		test -d $directory
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[dir check] This Script recommends $directory: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_warning "[dir check] This Script recommends $directory: directory NOT FOUND"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_dirs_depends" ] && ptx_debug "[dir check] no directory dependency defined"
-	for directory in $dependency_check_dirs_depends; do
-		test -d $directory
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[dir check] This Script depends on $directory: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_bailout "[dir check] This Script depends on $directory: directory NOT FOUND"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_dirs_conflicts" ] && ptx_debug "[dir check] no directory conflict defined"
-	for directory in $dependency_check_dirs_conflicts; do
-		test -d $directory
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_bailout "[dir check] This Script conflicts with $directory: directory EXISTS"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_debug "[dir check] This Script conflicts with $directory: OK (does not exist)"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-# dependency check for needed tools
-# if any one of these variables is
-# set, a dependency check is performed:
-# dependency_check_tools_recommends
-# dependency_check_tools_depends
-# dependency_check_tools_conflicts
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_files_recommends" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no tool recommendation defined"
-	for tool in $dependency_check_tools_recommends; do
-		which $tool >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[tool check] This Script recommends $tool: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_warning "[tool check] This Script recommends $tool: MISSING"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_tools_depends" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no tool dependency defined"
-	for tool in $dependency_check_tools_depends; do
-		which $tool >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[tool check] This Script depends on $tool: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_bailout "[tool check] This Script depends on $tool: MISSING"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_tools_conflicts" ] && ptx_debug "[file check] no file conflict defined"
-	for tool in $dependency_check_tools_conflicts; do
-		which $tool >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_bailout "[tool check] This Script conflicts with on $tool: CONFLICT FOUND"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_debug "[tool check] This Script conflicts with $tool: OK"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_hostname_recommends" ] && ptx_debug "[hostname check] no hostname recommendation defined"
-	for hostname in $dependency_check_hostname_recommends; do
-		[ "`hostname`" = "$hostname" ] >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[hostname check] This Script recommends host $hostname: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_warning "[hostname check] This Script recommends host $hostname: THIS IS NOT ME"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_hostname_depends" ] && ptx_debug "[hostname check] no hostname dependency defined"
-	for hostname in $dependency_check_hostname_depends; do
-		[ "`hostname`" = "$hostname" ] >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_debug "[hostname check] This Script depends on host $hostname: OK"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_bailout "[hostname check] This Script depends on host $hostname: THIS IS NOT ME"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	[ -z "$dependency_check_hostname_conflicts" ] && ptx_debug "[hostname check] no hostname conflict defined"
-	for hostname in $dependency_check_hostname_conflicts; do
-		[ "`hostname`" = "$hostname" ] >/dev/null 2>&1
-		case $? in
-			0)
-			ptx_bailout "[hostname check] This Script conflicts with host $hostname: CONFLICT FOUND"
-			;;
-			*)
-			ptx_debug "[hostname check] This Script conflicts with host $hostname: OK"
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-# convenience wrapper for the functions above
-# performs all available checks
-	ptx_dependency_check_hostname
-	ptx_dependency_check_dirs
-	ptx_dependency_check_files
-	ptx_dependency_check_tools
-# service specific lib functions, based on script domains:
-# - dumb_tool
-# - tool
-# - development
-# - system_management
-if [ -n "$PTX_SCRIPT_DOMAINS" ]; then
-for ptx_script_domain in $PTX_SCRIPT_DOMAINS; do
-	ptx_debug "loading config for domain: ${ptx_script_domain}"
-	SCONFS="$HOME/.ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf \
-	/usr/local/etc/ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf \
-	/etc/ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf \
-	`dirname $0`/ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf \
-	`dirname $0`/../lib/ptxsd-${ptx_script_domain}.conf"
-	for scriptconf in $SCONFS; do
-		if [ -e "$scriptconf" ] ; then 
-			. $scriptconf && { ptx_debug "$scriptconf loaded"; break; }
-		fi
-	done
-	[ "$PTXSD" = "true" ] || ptx_warning " No valid Configuration for Domain: ${ptx_script_domain} found \
-	[ $conf (version $MY_VERSION) ] [ caller: $0 ]"
diff --git a/plugins/url_check_ng/ b/plugins/url_check_ng/
deleted file mode 100644
index feb8a77ba09c..000000000000
--- a/plugins/url_check_ng/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-linkchecker patch
-The following patch is a quick hack to prevent robots.txt
-restrictions from taking effect. This is somewhat ugly, but
-we need to *know exactly* if a source package is accessible
-or has moved. So we explicitly don't want to honor those
-restrictions. Unfortunately, the --robots-txt option is
-enabled per default and you cannot disable it from the
-command line.
-Since this hack is generally a bad thing, please behave
-reasponsible: Don't run url_checks too often (or at
-least ask the mirror maintainers for approval to do so).
-A server maintainer who doesn't want spiders to index
-his machine might have his reasons... ;-)
-bbu, 20071019
----	2007-10-19 14:59:06.000000000 +0200
-+++	2007-10-19 15:03:28.000000000 +0200
-@@ -344,19 +344,9 @@
-         if not isinstance(url, str):
-             url = url.encode("ascii", "ignore")
-         if self.disallow_all:
--            return False
-+            return True
-         if self.allow_all:
-             return True
--        # search for given user agent matches
--        # the first match counts
--        url = urllib.quote(urlparse.urlparse(urllib.unquote(url))[2]) or "/"
--        for entry in self.entries:
--            if entry.applies_to(useragent):
--                return entry.allowance(url)
--        # try the default entry last
--        if self.default_entry is not None:
--            return self.default_entry.allowance(url)
--        # agent not found ==> access granted
-         return True
-     def get_crawldelay (self, useragent):
diff --git a/plugins/url_check_ng/ b/plugins/url_check_ng/
deleted file mode 100644
index a0504219749b..000000000000
--- a/plugins/url_check_ng/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/plain, Size: 181 bytes --]

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2021-06-09 20:05 [ptxdist] [PATCH] plugins: remove old code Roland Hieber

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