I try to put links into the read-only rootfs which should point into a RAM filesystem.
For example I want to put the resolv.conf file into the tmpfs which is mounted at /tmp that the DHCP client can modify that file at runtime.
I tried to create a link in the projectroot:
cd projectroot/etc
ln -s ../tmp/resolv.conf resolv.conf
But then I get the following error with a "ptx go":
target: os-release.targetinstall.post
finished target os-release.targetinstall.post
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/user/development/bsp/branch2_tx53/projectroot/etc/resolv.conf', needed by `/home/user/development/bsp/branch2_tx53/platform-optimeas-tx53/state/rootfs.targetinstall'.  Stop.
If I create an empty file at projectroot/tmp/resolv.conf the file will be copied in the rootfs instead if the link...
What is the right way to create such links?
If I create an own package (in + rule) which creates these links, how can I ensure that my package is called as the last package to overwrite files from other packages ?
Best regards,