Hello, I tried to move from qt4 to qt5. Building the library was no problem, but I don't get a qt project inside the local_src to compile. Basically the rule file looks like what I get from "ptxdist newpackage src-qmake-prog". # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #SCPICMD_CONF_ENV := $(CROSS_ENV) # # qmake # SCPICMD_CONF_TOOL := qmake SCPICMD_CONF_OPT := $(CROSS_QMAKE_OPT) PREFIX=/usr The prepare steps runs, but the resulting Makefile shows the wrong qmake command: # Command: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake CONFIG+=silent PREFIX=/usr -o Makefile ../../../local_src/scpicmd/world.pro Instead of something like this (at the old qt4 call): # Command: /home/user/bsp/platform-tx53-3.12-rt/sysroot-cross/bin/qmake-cross CONFIG+=silent PREFIX=/usr -o Makefile ../../../local_src/scpicmd/world.pro ptxdist calls qmake from the host instead of using the local qmake inside the bsp. Does anyone have a tip what wrong in my rule file or what I should change? Or is a local_src qt5 project not supported at the moment? Best regards, Matthias