Sorry, I've done a mistake in writing: The configuration for the new toolchain is "arm-v5te-linux-gnueabi_gcc-4.9.2_glibc-2.20_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.16-sanitized.ptxconfig" (gcc is "gcc-4.9.2" and not "gcc-4.6.2"). Hello, I'm building linux kernel and root-fs for "TI OMAP-L138" (ARM-V5TE) using an existing (and well working) BSP project. Until now I've used "OSELAS.Toolchain-2012.12.1" for building the toolchain using the configuration "arm-v5te-linux-gnueabi_gcc-4.7.2_glibc-2.16.0_binutils-2.22_kernel-3.6-sanitized.ptxconfig". Now I've tried to use a newer toolchain project "OSELAS.Toolchain-2014.12.1". I've build the toolchain successfully (using the configuration "arm-v5te-linux-gnueabi_gcc-4.6.2_glibc-2.20.0_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.16-sanitized.ptxconfig"). I've also rebuild my BSP project (linux kernel and root-fs) with this new toolchain (configuration of BSP project has been unchanged!), but booting the kernel leads to a crash (kernel panic). I've attached the configuration files from my BSP project in order if someone can help me. Best regards Jan-Marc Stranz.