Hello, I am new to the world of ptxdist and firmware image building. To get my feet wet I have tried to build an image for my raspberry pi 2 with ptxdist and distrokit following the blog post on the pengutronix homepage ( http://pengutronix.de/en/2017-08-28-distrokit-a-playground- bsp-for-ptxdist.html). The image for rpi2 is successfully built but I am unable to get the image working on my rpi2. Nothing happens after the gpu firmware has booted and using serial to usb connector gives nothing but radio silence so I am guessing that the kernel is not booting at all. I have tried several sd cards and another rpi2 so I have ruled out faulty hardware. I also tried building an image for rpi1 but it didn't work as well. I found the following github repo (https://github.com/rohieb/Dis troKit-rpi-ibrdtn) which seemed aimed at distrokit and rpi images so I tried to build an image with it instead and managed to get an image that actually boots on my rpi2. What is the official status of the distrokit support for raspberry pi? Thanks Anton Botvalde