On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 4:51 AM Uwe Kleine-König <u.kleine-koenig@pengutronix.de> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 03, 2018 at 04:41:56AM -0400, jon@ringle.org wrote:
> From: Jon Ringle <jringle@gridpoint.com>
> For a long time it has bothered me that if a package's patches were changed
> ptxdist would not detect this change and I would often have old versions of
> *-dev.tar.gz packages that got used because the packages patches were
> updated.
> This commit solves this problem.
> Here's how it works:
> 1) In the package rule makefile add `${PKG}_SERIES_SHA256 :=`
> 2) extract the package and from the packages src dir do `git ptx-patches`
>    This will populate the rule makefile _SERIES_SHA256 value
> 3) Anytime you make a patch change to a package and do `git ptx-patches`
>    the series file gets updated with the `git rev-parse HEAD` value which
>    causes the series file to have a new sha256 value and therefore a new
>    value gets populated in the rule makefile, which then causes the package
>    to be rebuilt and the *-dev.tar.gz package will have a different cfghash
>    in the filename

I didn't test, but if the value of $(git rev-parse HEAD) is relevant:
Are you aware that this isn't reproducible, i.e. it changes by

        ptxdist clean pukyxml
        ptxdist extract --git pukyxml


under what circumstances would you get a different value for the `git rev-parse HEAD` if the package version, series and patches being applied has not changed?
