On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 12:56 AM, Alexander Dahl <post@lespocky.de> wrote:
Hei hei,

On 08.01.2014 03:32, Jon Ringle wrote:
> My initial thought is to create a git repo that holds the ptxconfig files
> and local rules/, and then configure the rules to somehow get the git repos
> by tag for building (as it seems that there is some sort of support for
> this in scripts/lib/ptxd_make_get.sh)... but I don't quite understand how
> to integrate this in my rules/*.make file.

This is exactly what we do, alas we do not use any ptxdist magic but two
self written shell scripts residing in another git repository "scripts"
included as submodule. Our rules/foo.make use one script for the get and
one for the extract stage. Those scripts make are called with two extra
variables from rules/foo.in as parameter. For each of our own packages
those describe clone path and which git entity (branch, tag, changeset)
to checkout after cloning. All these packages are cloned to
local_src/foo and build with cmake in local_src/foo-git. I assume all
this specific to our needs, but that's the way we do it. If you're
interested in the scripts, tell me.

Yes, I would be interested to see your scripts and how you use them in your *.make and *.in :)
However I'm also curious about other ways. Is there a nice ptxdist way
to handle packages without tarball coming directly from some git repo?


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