
First, thank you for you mail.
I updated the pekwm-clearlooks.make file. But nothing, no error, no worning, nothing. It's like if this code is not executed.
Here is the code. What do you tink about this?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Target-Install
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


    @$(call targetinfo)

    @$(call install_init, pekwm-clearlooks)
    @$(call install_fixup, pekwm-clearlooks,PRIORITY,optional)
    @$(call install_fixup, pekwm-clearlooks,SECTION,base)
    @$(call install_fixup, pekwm-clearlooks,AUTHOR,"Philippe Corbes <>")
    @$(call install_fixup, pekwm-clearlooks,DESCRIPTION,missing)

    @$(call install_copy, pekwm, 0, 0, 0644, -, \
    find usr/share/pekwm/themes/Clearlooks -type f | while read file; do \
        $(call install_copy, pekwm-clearlooks, 0, 0, 0644, -, /$$file); \

    @$(call install_finish, pekwm-clearlooks)

    @$(call touch)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Target-Postinst
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    case "$1" in
        $(call install_replace, pekwm-clearlooks, $(PEKWM_CLEARLOOKS_INSTALL_DIR).pekwm/config, \
            "usr/share/pekwm/themes/default", "usr/share/pekwm/themes/Clearlooks" );

# vim: syntax=make

Thank you,

2011/10/22 Jon Ringle <>
On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Philippe Corbes
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I need help to solve a problem at packet install.
> I made a packet. It's a theme for pekwm. It depend of pekwm. But when I install this theme, I would like to update the config file of pekwm to use this them as default theme.
> There is may be something to do at "" phase. I dont find how to do. Does anybody can help me to solve this?

Create a rules/<packet>.postinst
The <packet>.postinst script will get called at targetinstall phase
during building, so you probably want to have your script do nothing
at this time. The way I handled this is that "configure" will be $1
when the packet is installed on the target. This is my template for

   #! /bin/sh

   case "$1" in
       # Do stuff when the packet is installed on target


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