Hi, I'm trying to use directfb in mini2440, but when I try to launch dfbinfo gives me an error:
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.4.3 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       
        (c) 2001-2009  The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community            
        (c) 2000-2004  Convergence (integrated media) GmbH                      
(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2015-04-16 11:05) [ DEBUG ][ TRACE]
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using armasm_memcpy()                                        
(!) DirectFB/core/vt: Couldn't open neither `/dev/tty0' nor `/dev/vc/0'!        
    --> No such file or directory                                               
sh: nm: not found                                                               
sh: nm: not found                                                               
sh: nm: not found                                                               
sh: nm: not found                                                               
(-) [  427: -STACK- ]                                                           
  #0  0xb6c6fc7c in dfb_vt_initialize () from /usr/lib/directfb-1.4-0/systems/l]
  #1  0xb6c68f24 in ?? () from /usr/lib/directfb-1.4-0/systems/libdirectfb_fbde]
  #2  0xb6ef6ecc in ?? () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.so.0 [0xb6e3b000]       
  #3  0xb6eb01a0 in dfb_core_part_initialize () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.s]
  #4  0xb6eaf554 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.so.0 [0xb6e3b000]       
  #5  0xb6eaf83c in ?? () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.so.0 [0xb6e3b000]       
  #6  0xb6cccc40 in fusion_arena_enter () from /usr/lib/libfusion-1.4.so.0 [0xb]
  #7  0xb6eaebe0 in dfb_core_create () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.so.0 [0xb6]
  #8  0x00008648 in DirectFBCreate () from /usr/bin/dfbinfo [0x8000]            
  #9  0x000086cc in ?? () from /usr/bin/dfbinfo [0x8000]                        
(!) DirectFB/Core: Could not initialize 'system_core' core!                     
    --> Initialization error!                                                   
(-) [  427: -STACK- ]                                                           
  #0  0xb6eb01a0 in dfb_core_part_initialize () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.s]
  #1  0xb6eaf554 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.so.0 [0xb6e3b000]       
  #2  0xb6eaf83c in ?? () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.so.0 [0xb6e3b000]       
  #3  0xb6cccc40 in fusion_arena_enter () from /usr/lib/libfusion-1.4.so.0 [0xb]
  #4  0xb6eaebe0 in dfb_core_create () from /usr/lib/libdirectfb-1.4.so.0 [0xb6]
  #5  0x00008648 in DirectFBCreate () from /usr/bin/dfbinfo [0x8000]            
  #6  0x000086cc in ?? () from /usr/bin/dfbinfo [0x8000]                        
(#) DirectFBError [DirectFBCreate() failed]: Initialization error! 

I use : OSELAS.BSP-Pengutronix-Mini2440-2013.10.0.
someone has used directfb and have saved your settings or you know how you can fix the error?