
I'm trying to use ptxdist for a x86 target, using these versions of software for ptxdist, Toolchain and BSP:



I've selected this configuration:


After building the image I can check that all works as expected using Qemu.

Now I would like to use this image to boot on the target device. The target boots from a CF card.

I select Grub as the bootloader, and also make sure to enable the following:

Enable decompression in stage 2

Serial terminal support

File System support -> ext2

Device of root fs -> /dev/hda1

I copy the resulting hd.img image to a CF (using dd) and try to boot on the target:

GRUB seems to start ok

I get the GRUB menu with standalone boot / network boot options. I guess this means that GRUB can

find the stage2 files

In fact from the GRUB shell I can inspect the contents of (hd0,0) and all the files are there

However when I try to boot (standalone option) I get this:

root (hd0,0)

Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83

kernel /boot/bzImage root=/dev/hda1 console=ttyS0,115200

[Linux-bzImage, setup=0x3800, size=0xe9db0]

Ant then nothing more.

Can someone help? Any hints of what may be wrong? Any pointers are welcome.

