Hello all,

I am trying to force ptxdist to build a local package (sources in local_src/<package>) out of tree, so that I can build for different platforms from the same BSP. This package is very simple and uses a standard makefile.

Searching around I found some (not many :) mentions to <PKG>_BUILD_OOT so I though this was what I needed.

However I must be doing something wrong. If I set <PKG>_BUILD_OOT := YES in the <pkg>.make file, then:

1. Two directories are created:
platform/build-target/<pkg> where all source files from local_src/<pkg> are copied (including the Makefile)
platform/build-target/<pkg>-build, which is initially empty

2. Then actual command executed by ptxdist in the compile stage is make -C platform/build-target/<pkg>-build. But since there is no Makefile in this directory, I get an error ("No targets specified and no makefile found")

Do I need to do something else besides setting <PKG>_BUILD_OOT ?

Thank you,

Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia