Hi all,
I am trying to create a ptxdist package for mediastreamer2. By default, releases come without a configure script, and with an autogen.sh that requires intltoolize.
So I first tried the following:
In mediasteamer2.make:
@$(call targetinfo)
@$(call clean, $(MEDIASTREAMER2_DIR))
@$(call extract, MEDIASTREAMER2)
cd $(MEDIASTREAMER2_DIR) && [ -f configure ] || sh autogen.sh
@$(call patchin, MEDIASTREAMER2)
@$(call touch)
However, this does not work because apparently ptxdist resolves dependencies after the extract stage, so when autogen.sh is run, the host-intltool package has not been installed yet.
So I tried to run autogen.sh from the extract.post stage instead:
@$(call targetinfo)
cd $(MEDIASTREAMER2_DIR) && [ -f configure ] || sh autogen.sh
@$(call touch)
This way, host-intltool is installed before autogen.sh is run, so that part work. But this creates other problems: The install stage fails when trying to relink some libraries.
What is the proper way to do this?
Thank you,