Buenas Guillermo, 

- I used OSELAS arm-v5te pre-build toolchain (ubuntu repositories).
- I got two working kernels (one using friendly arm 4.4.3 toolchain and the other with the CodeSourcery 2009q3).
- With those two kernels, I also got a fully working rootfs (burned into nand using superboot) and i get the system up & ready, but:
    - with FA - I cannot compile udev, the used glibc version for such toolchain seems lower than 2.10, so I get errors compiling udev ('accept4' related).
    - with CS 2009q3 - everything alright but, the specific version of binutils used for compiling the toolchain is not publicly available (I suppose it was a custom build from CodeSourcery) so I cannot use the exact same binutil version (not a big problem but..)
    - with the prebuild arm5vte oselas version, after burning to the board, the kernel get extracted and then .. no output, system hang.
- I also used kernel from FA as source, but some modifications were done, i.e (remove initramfs, removed cpio file, ...)

- I am currently testing the system with newer CodeSourcery version (2013.11-33), but i have the same 'problem', custom binutils build.

You mentioned that you built a customized arm-v5te toolchain (well you don exactly say so, but given I got no good results with the default configuration, I will suppose that), Did you add/remove any specific FLAG for the toolchain compilation (besides mtune)?

Regarding the barebox, I am pretty interested. I was planning also to try it but I have no more available hours in the day, ;). Please keep me up with you progress and let me know if you need anything.

On 3 December 2014 at 11:02, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia <guille.rodriguez@gmail.com> wrote:
Buenos días Carlos,

2014-12-03 10:25 GMT+01:00 Carlos Leyva Guerrero <carlos.leyva@idener.es>:
> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to adapt mini2440 platform to mini2451(by FriendlyARM).
> Leaving the topic of the bootloader a side, I currently have something
> functional with Ptxdist 2014.10.0.
> I am able to compile everything well using the toolchain provided by
> Friendly ARM (old glibc -> no current udev support), the one provided by
> CodeSourcery (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q3-67) or OSELAS.Toolchain.2013.12.2
> (armv5t).
> The rootfs generated works well despite the used toolchain. Nevertheless the
> generated zImage doesn't boot in the board when using the OSELAS toolchain.
> Has anyone had a similar problem or can figure what its happening here?

I also did some work a few weeks ago to add support for the Mini2451
in ptxdist. Had to put this in standby due to some high priority stuff
coming in but I had already done the following:

- Build a working OSELAS arm-v5te toolchain
- Build a working kernel (not using DT) with ptxdist and the above
toolchain. I adapted the mach-mini2451 file from the kernel supplied
by FriendlyARM
- Boot from SD (using FA's superboot) and install my kernel to NAND
- Boot my kernel from NAND and mount the rootfs over NFS
- First steps for a working barebox port

What is exactly the problem you are facing when trying to boot your image?
