

after i changed the toolchain from OSELAS.Toolchain-2012.12.1 i586-unknown-linux-gnu

to OSELAS.Toolchain-2012.12.1 arm-cortexa9-linux-gnueabi I get the following error:


sysroot-target/usr/include/QtCore/qatomic_armv6.h:127:35: error: output number 2 not directly addressable

sysroot-target/usr/include/QtCore/qatomic_armv6.h:127:35: warning: use of memory input without lvalue in asm operand 4 is deprecated [enabled by default]


I found a trick that says I must recompile the src with the compiler switch “-fno-strict-volatile-bitfields”.


So i recompiled the qt-package and my src with this switch, but it has no effect.


Any ideas what is going wrong?


With best regards,
