Hi, I am currently looking into the possibility of adding ptxdist generation of a xz rootfs archive, as I thought the feature might be useful for others as well. Should it be added as a new script like ptxd_make_image_archive_impl (image/archive) or implemented in C inside genimage (image/genimage)? The goal is to optimize our firmware upgrade image size. This could be done by switching from gz to xz rootfs which reduces size with approx 35%. The production firmware will still be using a gz rootfs archive. I basically want to do the following command: gzip -d < root.tgz | xz -9e > root.tar.xz Compression level should be configurable so it can be adjusted to target memory size. Memory usage is approx 65MB during extraction of a -9 archive on an i.MX28 processor when using xz from Busybox. In my testing the CompMem/DecMem listed in "man xz" seems to be valid for embedded ARM Linux systems as well. Otherwise this will just end as even more clutter in our custom build script wrapper around ptxdist :) /Bruno