Hi all,

I’m trying to build a BSP for my Toradex Apalis iMX-6q module.

I’m facing an issue with the linux image generation: in “platformconfig > Linux kernel > Image type” if I select “zImage” everything runs; if I select “uImage” (and I change only this parameter) I got an error:



target: pureftpd.targetinstall.post



finished target pureftpd.targetinstall.post



target: kernel-header.targetinstall.post



finished target kernel-header.targetinstall.post



target: u-boot.get



make: *** [/data/developer/user/nfs/project/External/Sources/Linux/bsp/platform-Toradex/state/u-boot.get] Error 1


Obviously I need the “uImage” but I don’t know how to generate it. I’m new in ptxdist and in bsp generation.


My configuration:

O.S.: CentOS 7

Ptxdist: ptxdist-2017.06.0

toolchain: OSELAS.Toolchain-2014.12.0

u-boot: 2016-11

linux kernel: linux-toradex_4.1-2.0.x-imx


Can you help me please?

Many thanks,




Massimo Milluzzo




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