

I needed to chang the developer platform from openSUSE to Ubunto (10.4 LTS) and ptxdist from -2011-10.0 to -2013-03.0. As I tried to rebuild all I needed in a first step to exclude qjson lib (libqjson-0.7.1) from the build because it depends on qt. After everything was builded succesfully. After this I included qjson but building failed in step targetinstall. The package is a cmake based package.


A warning occurs in step install.pack telling PKG didn’t install anything to [Platform]/packages/qjson-0.7.1. This directory does not exist. There exists a directory [Platform]/packages/qjson.tmp/[BSP-Path]/opkg/CONTROL with contents control.


In build-target two directories (qjson-0.7.1 and qjson-0.7.1-build) exist. In qjson-0.7.1-build the library including links to it are created.


The rules file for the install script reads as follows:


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# install

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


        @$(call targetinfo)

        @$(call install, qjson)

        @$(call touch)


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Target-Install

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------



        @$(call targetinfo)


        @$(call install_init, qjson)

        @$(call install_fixup, qjson, PRIORITY, optional)

        @$(call install_fixup, qjson, SECTION, base)

        @$(call install_fixup, qjson, AUTHOR, "Flavio Castelli <flavio@castelli.name>")

        @$(call install_fixup, qjson, DESCRIPTION, missing)

        @$(call install_lib, qjson, 0, 0, 644, libqjson)

        @$(call install_finish, qjson)


        @$(call touch)


What is missing now here?


Kind regards


Henrik Kraft

z.Zt. Heidolph GmbH & Co. KG

Walpersdorfer Str. 12

91126 Schwabach

09122 – 99 20 - 58