Hei hei, On 21.09.2013 22:41, Thomas Heller wrote: > Is ptxdist 2013.09.0 compatible with OSELAS.Toolchain-2012.12.1? Using ptxdist 2013.09.0 with OSELAS Toolchain 2012.12.1 is possible if you mean building some BSP based on the current ptxdist with the mentioned toolchain. > I'm trying to build the toolchain for arm-cortexa8-gnueabi > with 'ptxdist --force go' and get this error: It's not recommended to do this. When building the toolchain itself don't use --force but install the matching ptxdist version. I do toolchain build like this: * clone oselas repository with git * checkout the tag I want * git clean -dxf * ptxdist select ptxconfigs/... * ptxdist go If at this step ptxdist complains about version mismatch, I install the ptxdist version requested and proceed with ptxdist go then. HTH && Greets Alex