Hi, I wanted to update the version of one of the local source packages I use (fsl-mm-codeclib). So I edited the .make file in the rules directory. The only thing that I changed, is the version (from 1.9.6 to 2.0.3) and the md5 checksum. I changed nothing else in the file. After changing the .make file; I ran "ptxdist clean fsl-mm-codeclib" followed by "ptxdist go" This is the error I get: ------------------------------------- target: fsl-mm-codeclib.targetinstall ------------------------------------- install_init: preparing for image creation of 'fsl-mm-codeclib'... install_init: @ARCH@ -> armel install_init: @PACKAGE@ -> fsl-mm-codeclib install_init: @VERSION@ -> 2.0.3 install_init: @DEPENDS@ -> install_init: preinst not available install_init: postinst not available install_init: prerm not available install_init: postrm not available install_fixup: @PRIORITY@ -> optional ... done. install_fixup: @SECTION@ -> base ... done. install_fixup: @AUTHOR@ -> "Michael Olbrich " ... done. install_fixup: @DESCRIPTION@ -> missing ... done. xpkg_finish: collecting license (unknown) ... done. xpkg_finish: creating opkg package ... Error: ptxd_lib_install: cannot find library 'lib_mp3_dec_arm9_elinux'! failed I looked at the ptxdist sources and found the errormessage in scripts/lib/ptxd_make_xpkg_pkg.sh After some analisys, I discovered that the ptxd_lib_install failed because the find command (on line 636 from scripts/lib/ptxd_make_xpkg_pkg.sh) returned 2 filenames (the .so and the .so.2.10.0). I tried limiting the find to only return one result, but without success. Finally I remove the '*' after '.so' so only the .so file would be found. This made the fsl-mm-codeclib.targetinstall successfull, but other calls were now unsuccessfull. I have successfully built all my packages by adding/removing the * in the source (& recompiling ptxdist). Now my questions: 1) Why did the targetinstall fail in the first place (the only thing that changed was the package version (the install_lib command was already there) 2) Since my fix isn't really a fix (other things fail); how can I fix the build? Regards, Johannes -- [cid:part1.00080907.05010208@televic.com] Johannes De Smedt R&D Associate www.televic.com Mobile +32 499 644 686 Televic NV * Leo Bekaertlaan 1 * 8870 Izegem * Belgium Company number 0402.757.955 * RPR Kortrijk