Juergen, it's not the problem of this file. It's the same with the original file. I joined the file i used (there was light changes). The problem occurred the first time when I tried to use the joined document "Application Note : work with sources". Maybe, I made something wrong... but there are bugs also in the document :-) so I gave up and the problem remains. Maybe the problem is linked to rules files... Best regards, Sophie ________________________________________ De : Juergen Beisert Envoyé : jeudi 20 mars 2014 09:30 À : ptxdist@pengutronix.de Cc : CARAYOL Sophie Objet : Re: [ptxdist] Compilation of OSELAS Toolchain Hi Sophie, On Thursday 20 March 2014 08:58:46 CARAYOL Sophie wrote: > scar@scar-Linux-T3500:~$ uname -a > Linux scar-Linux-T3500 3.8.0-35-generic #50~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 4 > 17:28:45 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux scar@scar-Linux-T3500:~$ make --version > GNU Make 3.81 > Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. > Ceci est un logiciel libre ; voir le source pour les conditions de copie. > Il n'y a PAS de garantie ; tant pour une utilisation COMMERCIALE que pour > RÉPONDRE À UN BESOIN PARTICULIER. > > Ce logiciel est construit pour i686-pc-linux-gnu My french from school is a little bit rusty... :) Hmm, I'm using the same 'make' than you do. My system is a 64 bit type, but we also run our PTXdist on 32 bit system types. We run out of ideas what is going wrong on your machine. Ahhhhh, I see the difference by typing the exact same command than you did: /usr/local/lib/ptxdist-2013.12.0/bin/ptxdist select arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf_gcc-4.8.3_glibc-2.18_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.13.6-sanitized.ptxconfig error: cannot select 'arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf_gcc-4.8.3_glibc-2.18_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.13.6-sanitized.ptxconfig' does not exist, or is not a file. It seems you have a separate file called "arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf_gcc-4.8.3_glibc-2.18_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.13.6-sanitized.ptxconfig". Where does it comes from? Our toolchain package only comes with a "arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf_gcc-4.8.3_glibc-2.18_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.12-sanitized.ptxconfig". So, when I change your command to our predefined toolchain config it works: /usr/local/lib/ptxdist-2013.12.0/bin/ptxdist select ptxconfigs/arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf_gcc-4.8.3_glibc-2.18_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.12-sanitized.ptxconfig info: selected ptxconfig: 'ptxconfigs/arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf_gcc-4.8.3_glibc-2.18_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.12-sanitized.ptxconfig' Can you send me the "arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf_gcc-4.8.3_glibc-2.18_binutils-2.24_kernel-3.13.6-sanitized.ptxconfig" file? Maybe then we are able to find the cause of your trouble. Regards, Juergen -- Pengutronix e.K. | Juergen Beisert | Linux Solutions for Science and Industry | http://www.pengutronix.de/ | ________________________________ [http://www.lacroix-electronics-solutions.com/sites/default/files/pictures/achievements/201401_MEDTECHPHARMA_LE_exhibit.png] ________________________________ Pour des raisons légales et de sécurité, les informations contenues dans ce message ne sont pas juridiquement contraignantes. 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