Hello, I'm a little stuck with a problem I consider a maybe common one. I have an ordinary C library. For some projects I compile and link against it the usual way, so in my applications .in rule I just do 'SELECT LIBFOO' and the library package will be copied to the target including .so file, loading at runtime etc. Now for another BSP I have another application where I only need to include some header files of this library, but do not call any API functions and do not link against it. So I only need the library at build time, no library package has to be copied to the target later and the library doesn't need to be loaded at runtime. Can I express this somehow in ptxdist and how? (This is just to save space on the target, I know I could let copy the lib to the target, where it won't be loaded then, which is the way it's done currently.) Greets Alex -- »With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.« (Jean-Luc Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie) *** GnuPG-FP: C28E E6B9 0263 95CF 8FAF 08FA 34AD CD00 7221 5CC6 ***